Friday, November 14, 2008

Book smart @ street smart ?

Book smart atau Street Smart ialah sebuah buku karangan Dr. Robert Stenberg, seorang pensyarah di Yale University, seorang pensyarah yang mengemukakn idea mengenai ''practical intelligence.''
(Ana terus mengemukakan di dalam bahasa inggeris agar ulasan yang ana bagi tidak terpesong daripada apa yang ingin disampaikan )

In our real life, the measured achievements are not academic only for nowadays but they are :
1. Analytic - ability to solve problems & judge ideas.
2. Creative - Think in new ways & be willing to take risks.
3. Practical - Ability to use new ideas & put them in place.

Advantage :
Creative & practical, both of them are much better predictors of real world achievements.

Why ?
We use them as in finding ways to work around obstacles, things that blocked their way.

Practical : How ?
1. Learn by yourself.
2. Through observing how successful people get things done.
3. People can learn to recognize their own areas of strength & build them.

note :
ana tengah belajar dari kenkawan pasal pengurusan organisasi (ambik dari pengurusan ekonomi - six sigma, BSC, Blue Ocean, dll ) So kenkawan @ guest yg ada maklumat pasal tu bolehla bg cadangan kat shoutbox.

Exam tinggal satu paper lagi...19 November 2008 ( Introduction to science computer )

After that :.....

22 - 30 November : Arabic & English Language Supporting Programes di USIM
1 - 4 Dis : Perkhemahan Operasi Bencana & Menyelamat di Lembah Pangsun, Hulu Langat
4-6 Dis : Perkhemahan Remaja Islam (Peka 08 ) di Pantai Rekreasi Merang Setiu
13 - 17 Dis : Program Teambuilding & Leadership kolej sutera Indah USIM
22 Dis : Mula semester 2 USIM

Hidup menyibukkan diri dengan program adalah lebih baik daripada sibuk dengan perkara yang tidak berprogram

1 comment:

Mohd Hazimin Harun said...

bagus2 jarang ada org yg ambik gist drp paper exam..